So my friend came up to me, fall of our freshman year of college, and said, “QM, do you think you could fix something for me?” I guess he thought he'd try me because I'd glued back together the corpus of his wall crucifix earlier in the year, after it had fallen and broken into pieces. I told him that I'd try, and so he produced a sort of necklace -- wooden beads connected with wire chain-links, with a crucifix at the end. He called it a “rosary,” and pointed out that one of the links had come apart, so what was supposed to be a loop was more like a string. Now, I didn't know what a “rosary” was -- I was a good Lutheran girl, after all! -- and I didn't have any more clues than what he told me, but it looked pretty easy to fix. I pulled out my trusty Swiss Army Knife (which conveniently includes pliars) and twiddled with the wire a bit, and re-connected the links.
(source: Quantitative Metathesis blog; I strongly recommend to read the entire story. And then, the day after, also read the entire blog).
(And -yes!- as soon as possible, I'll translate it in Italian to make my friends read it!)