I wish I could explain to you exactly how I feel, but the only way I know how to even begin to explain to you how and why I feel the way I do is to compare it to marriage, specifically to yours. When you first met Susan, you had to be introduced to her just like I had to be introduced to the Passionist Nuns. After being introduced, you and Susan each had to make the decision whether or not you wanted to foster some type of a relationship with the other. The Nuns and I, too, had to make this same decision. Just as your relationship with Susan would not have grown had the two of you not agreed to work at it, neither would my relationship with Jesus through the Nuns have grown. Your decision to work at building your relationship was, I’m sure, greatly affected by your attraction to the way Susan looked, dressed, and acted. My relationship with the Passionist Nuns also was greatly affected by my attraction to the way they live, dress, and act. During your years of dating, your relationship with Susan took stronger and deeper roots and blossomed more and more each day you spend time with Susan or just thought about her. The same has been, and continues to be, the case with my relationship with Christ as I, along with the Passionist Nuns, discern His will for my life.
(Read entire story on A Crazy Idea: Trying to explain her call to Contemplative, Passionist Life)